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Collar Fixes and Replacements
Mouton collar replacement
Top collar edge was worn through. We repaired it and then flipped the collar over because this leather would have been very hard to match. The undercollar has a seam which you can see when the jacket isn't on, but using the undercollar made a great fix in this instance. Not all collars can be turned over, for various reasons.
Matching leather (!) for a new top collar
Top collar was very worn. We used the under collar on the top. It had snaps so the top collar had snap holes. But I plugged them with the same leather and you have to look very close to see them. But doing this we could use the very same leather for the whole new collar.
Applique over the back neck worn section
New collar, complex construction
neck applique stretching out over a larger worn area
New top collar. We were unable to match the color of leather but matched the weight and texture, with complimentary hue.
New top collar
Vintage mouton collar replaced in this bomber jacket
Before and After
Applique to cover the worn and stained leather collar.
New fur collar and leather restored to this full length officer's leather coat. Buttons resewn and new pockets.
Before and after
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